Today the situation is so, that the man inflicts on the environment irreparable harm. In large measure this is due to unreasonable use of natural resources. One of the most important tasks of ecology is to maintain and enhance the natural resource base.

Ecology and saving energy are two concepts that are closely linked with each other. Every day, we use energy to the organization of your daily life. Thermal power plants that supply energy are more polluting of the environment production plants. It is clear that if we want to keep our planet alive and healthy, we must use this energy wisely and advisable. In this way we can reduce the damage that the power station put to the nature.
Energy and the environment
The level of development of society is determined by the amount of energy that is consumed in a single person. Today the main sources of energy are oil, coal, gas. The work of heat and energy of the boiler rooms and thermal power plants of different way influences on the environment:
- in the atmosphere of our planet receives a large amount of hazardous waste,
- in the waters are removed the harmful substances and the water,
- it consumes large amounts of oxygen,
- large tracts of land to be used in a waste for the preservation and disposal.
The pollution of soil, water and air makes the so-called responsible for the greenhouse effect. In consequence, the temperature of the planet increases, and therefore run other irreversible effects. Likewise, it should be noted that these sources of energy, such as oil, gas and coal, it is very difficult to renew, and therefore in a short time, due to its misuse can be dried.
Alternative sources of energy
Modern doctrine is striving to find alternative sources of energy.
Under the concept of "source energy" refers to natural substances or phenomena that enable people to get energy.
Alternative sources of power can oppose to the traditional sources. To the traditional, as we pointed out earlier, are the oil, gas and coal. Alternative sources are required to reduce the negative impact of traditional energy sources which are harmful to the environment. There are sources that are able to offer the alternative of the energy:
- the energy of the sun
- wind energy
- the energy of the water
- the energy of the earth
- biofuels
The solar energy is obtained from solar radiation. The solar energy is considered a renewable source of energy. The term "renewable" imply have inexhaustible sources of energy. An advantage of this type of energy is its respect for the environment, that is to say, the process of obtaining energy involves the emission of hazardous waste and do not pollute the environment. The solar energy received through solar energy. This type of energy has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the availability and, as mentioned above, the complete security for the environment.

On the contrary, refers to dependence of weather conditions and time of day, so this type of energy can be used regularly only in certain climatic zones. The disadvantages are also concerns and the high cost of such energy facilities, as well as in their production are used expensive items. Also the exploitation of sun energy stations requires the use of large surfaces.
The wind energy is obtained by converting the wind's kinetic energy into the atmosphere in any other form of energy. To do this, use a variety of accessories, for example, wind turbines, wind mills, sails. The energy obtained from the wind, also belongs to renewable energy. In addition, the wind energy available and safe for the environment. The advantages of the use of wind energy in the same way we can mention that the wind power plant of easy maintenance, do not require much installation time and cost.
But without doubt, there are some disadvantages, for example, the power of this energy setup does not depend on a person, but that depends on the nature, that is to say, of the force of the wind. The insignificant against some of the opponents of this technology lead to a danger to birds, the deterioration of the reception of television and radio signals, the changes in the landscape.
The essence of water energy is to convert the kinetic energy of the mass of water into electric energy. Power is generated by hydroelectric power plants. The force of the water flow that affect the turbines that produce electricity. The advantage doubtless of their use of these facilities is that this energy source is inexhaustible. In addition, the hydro-safe for the environment. The energy obtained in this way, quite cheap. Along with the positive aspects there are disadvantages, for example, the time-dependence, the local weather conditions. Build the station only in certain places. Another disadvantage is that the energy obtained in this way is difficult to maintain for the application at a later date.
In the scientific community of the electricity obtained with the help of the thermal energy of the subsurface of the Earth, called geothermal energy. Is extracted from it thanks to the use of geothermal power plants. The cooling of our planet emits a huge amount of energy, which are thousands of times more of what distinguishes the fossil fuels. The energy of the Earth is a renewable source of energy. The advantages of this method of energy extraction can be and what is not depends on the conditions of the environment. Disadvantages include the high cost of construction and maintenance of this type of power plant. It is also considered that these stations are not completely safe for the environment, as a result of the work of the station will produce vapour emissions that can contain harmful substances.

Under the concept of a biofuel refers to the fuel that is obtained from an animal or vegetable origin raw materials. Biofuels can be of three types:
- firm
- liquid
- gaseous
Solid biofuels is wood, wood shavings, straw. Today the man cultivates special energy of the forest, which are composed of rocks of greater growth of the trees.
Liquid fuel, is presented mainly bioethanol and biodiesel. Bioethanol, produced mainly from sugar cane and corn. Biodiesel is derived from fats of vegetable and animal origin.
Gaseous biofuels is presented biogas, bio-hydrogen, methane. The biogas is obtained from products of the fermentation of organic waste. Bio-hydrogen is hydrogen, which have been received from the biomass thermo-chemical or biochemical way.
Today, scientists are churned about in order to reduce the consumption of resources that the humanity is devoted to obtaining energy. Each day the energy that is needed more and more, and the resources is becoming less and less. At the present stage, it is important to learn how to save and rationally spend energy obtained from traditional sources. Even more important is the development of new, inexhaustible, promises energy sources, this will help you for many years to preserve our environment alive and healthy.